Ascension Thru Truth

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Sway Testing

In today’s crazy world, it is more important than ever to be able to communicate with your Higher Self to keep you on your spiritual journey and to keep yourself and your family safe.  There are many tools that can be used for this communication.  There are psychic skills such as seeing, knowing, hearing etc.  You are either born with these or they are developed.  In today’s highly energetic environment, they can be learned rather quickly through a workshop or class.  I recommend to find highly experienced teachers.  Check out the Classes & Events section. 

You can also use communication methods such as tarot cards, pendulums, and muscle testing.  In this blog, I’m going to focus on one of the easiest methods, Sway Testing, which is considered part of the muscle testing category.  Sway Testing is usually the easiest method to learn.  Prune Harris – The Energy Expert has great information, including YouTube videos that will explain how to do this testing.      

Here are a few more things to consider.

1.       The Sway Test doesn’t work for everyone.  For a small number of people, where it doesn’t work, there is a more advanced method that already works for them.  Try muscle testing using your fingers.  This is also shown on the Prune Harris website.  Prune uses a thumb holding down the pinky method.  There are other similar testing methods using other finger configurations that are shown on the internet.  Several people, including myself, made up our own version.  Find what works. 


2.       Use this testing several times a day, but start with questions where you don’t care about or already know the answer.  If you aren’t using this tool often, you won’t trust it when you want it to answer an important question.


3.       Prune Harris goes through several steps, such as drinking water, grounding etc before doing the Sway Test.  Doing this each time before a Sway Test is going to discourage you from using the test.  I start the first test in the morning on something I know the answer to, such as my name is Mickey Mouse.  If the answer is accurate, I don’t do any further pre-work before testing through the day, as long as I’m feeling good.  You need testing that is ready to go.   


If you are reading this blog, your Higher Self meant you to see it.  Hope this information is helpful!   Sending love, light, healing and protection energies!